Katee runs Hackney


This year Hackney Laces turns five. Five years of football, friendship and experiences. We're planning a big celebration in the summer but in the meantime we're also doing things like half marathons to raise money for the club. Sohko kicked off the season with the Berlin half earlier this month, and I'm going to run Hackney. This will be the first time I'm running for Laces and it's in our home borough. Home court advantage. Plus the added bonus of lots of Laces and friends scattered around the course.Two hours of running doesn't feel like a lot when you compare to five years. 1,826 days (including one leap year!) of building momentum, fighting for more opportunities for young women in football and in life and learning shedloads along the way.We've had 268 girls on our books – in Hackney alone. Between our sister clubs Limehouse Laces, our Langdon Park project and the newly formed South London Laces, we're set to hit the 400 mark this year. We also have what I'm sure is the highest number of FA qualified women coaches in the UK. There are 19 of us, ranging from Level 1s to UEFA B license.There's so many things that we've achieved from sending some of our girls to America on soccer scholarships and placing some in apprenticeships to being recognised for playing fairly. I'm so excited to enter the next five years of laces, and I would be very grateful for your support in our journey. You can donate below! Oh, and please come out on the 8th May.


We are 5!


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